Sunday, January 11, 2015

2 Strand Twists

Hey Now!

So I co-washed and conditioned with Pantene Truly Natural Co-wash and conditioner while in the shower.  I really like this Pantene line and the way my hair feels after I use it.  I don't really use shampoo I haven't shampooed in at least 6 weeks.  I know some may think that's weird but my scalp is still clean and healthy, there are no flakes and my hair still smells good.  I finger detangled while conditioning and rinsed but not too thoroughly.  Then I used generously, QP Mango Butter leave in immediately after.  I dried my hair a little with a t-shirt and my setup included my spray bottle with good ole H20, Coconut Oil and Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie.  I have heard some say the Shea moisture makes their hair sticky I, however, have yet to experience that.  I  finger parted for the most part and smoothed my sections out first using the water, the oil and then the smoothie.  I took my sections split them into two strands and twisted them around one another.  I had to plait the ends or else my hair wouldn't stay.  By the end it was nice and moisturized.  I pulled it back and left my twists in for 3 days because it was convenient.  I did spray during those 3 days, oil and leave-in.  I took it out moisturizing with water and coconut oil.  Style as desired... 


  1. Your two stand twist turned out very nice

  2. Thanks! I finally invested the time thanks to you pressuring me lol... even though it took a couple hours to twist my hair this Do has lasting potential.

  3. Why do you use a T-Shirt to dry your hair? I have noticed a couple people do that.

  4. Less friction, less frizz, less damage.... T Vs Towel
