Thursday, December 18, 2014

Topic of the Day: Kinky Hair Do's and Don'ts, Retaining Length

Kinky Hair Do's                                                                             

Wet and deep condition you hair as often as possible                             
Brush your hair after conditioning to detangle
Detangle your hair to avoid knots, especially my kinky ladies with a lot of length
Do section your hair to detangle
Please use oil/ hot oil treatments
Protect your hair using moisturizers and wear a hat when appropriate
Lay on a silk pillowcase
Use a satin bonnet or a silk scarf to wrap your hair at night
Wear protective styles
Take your vitamins
Eat all fruits and veggies containing carotene i.e.. carrots
Drink plenty of water
Try to use all natural products, you can even concoct them yourself
Do give your hair a break, let it breath
Do use products that our mama's mama used to nourish hair, ex. egg whites, mayonnaise, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, maple syrup

Kinky Hair Don'ts

Don't use an extensive amount of heat including blow drying/flat ironing (personally I don't more than 2x's per month)
Don't perm your hair
Don't over process you hair with colors and chemicals
Don't brush or comb your hair when it is dry
No rubber bands
Don't let someone tell you they are going to trim your ends and end up giving you a new haircut
Don't use hair glue
Don't use paraben and silicone products
Don't let your hair get dry
Don't over manipulate your hair
Don't wear weave all the time



  1. To all my kinky curl ladies we would love to hear your do's and don't's

  2. 1 more...
    To minimize breakage, avoid using metal combs, brushes, hair accessories .
