Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I miss my kinky curls!!!

I'm officially missing my kinky curls.  Can anyone relate?  My hair just feels so vulnerable in this state.  It's constantly in the way of my seatbelt, me putting bags on my shoulders, between my back and the chair, friction on my clothing.  It's much "safer" in its natural state to me.  Lol I know weird right, but I'm going back to my kinky glam look and I probably won't straighten my hair for another 6 months or so.  In the meantime I will continue with my twists.  The warm weather calls for some wash and go's as well but that's all folks.  As little manipulation as possible for me on this journey.  No combs no brushes, I am moving towards all natural ingredients and mixing my own hair products.  Heavy usage of aloe from my aloe plant, castor, coconut, grape seed oil and shea butter sealant.  Every 2 to 3 days with A water only wash cowashing only when necessary. With that said I will check back on my length retention in about 6 mos.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Length Check!

Ok ladies I caved and straightened my hair.  It's been a while and there's definitely been some positive growth retention.  It will be a good while before I straighten my hair again so here it is...  I am slightly pass arm pit length close to bra length but no cigar just yet!
ps I have been washing my hair with water only and retwisting every 2 to 3 days using mainly coconut oil, aloe, Jamaican lavender castor oil, grape seed oil, glycerin and locking in with shea butter.


Sunday, April 19, 2015

In Support of My "If I Can't Eat It" Mantra....

Here's another awesome website to support our naturalista lifestyles.

I hope you find some of these yummy finds beneficial. This site is absolutely WONDERFUL, it

covers a wide array of areas including teeth, hair and skin care.

Try one or better yet... some and please be sure

to share your experiences. Enjoy!!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Look what I found!! Again Lol

Today I found a 96 Oz jar of coconut oil and a 1 liter
bottle of grape seed oil at the Newark Farmers Market on Kirkwood Hwy.  I just thought I would share, I am going to mix and split this with my mom.  It should last for quite sometime.


Friday, April 3, 2015

I Whip My Hair Bk & Forth!


I have found what has been missing from my hair regimen.  It's shea butter! My sista hooked me up with a shea coconut oil concoction  that I love.  She added a light scent because I thought shea butter to be a little too potent for my liking.  I had never used shea butter in my hair prior, the smell always drove me away, but it's about to be a change up in here.  Plus, appearantly the smell goes away.

I'm so happy I did, because it's the weightless moisture I have been missing.  After having my twist out for days my hair is still soft and hydrated.  My 2 strand twist process has not changed, only I'm using my whip as a sealant, and I'm hooked. My hair has lots of body and moisture, what more could a natural gal ask for!

PS. Loving makes the hair whip.......

Thursday, April 2, 2015

If I Can't Eat It...

In my 'attempt' to stay on or as close to an "If I Can't Eat It..It Won't Go In or On Me" regime.
I have found an amazing concoction which is pretty universal..and it's only 3 ingredients!

                        Mix equal parts of the following:   Coconut Oil & Baking Soda
                                                 Add: Approx Tbl. of Honey

This is now my deodorant, toothpaste, facial exfoliant, nail treatment & scalp cleaner(pre-poo).  It has been about 2 weeks and I am absolutely loving its versatility & results, thus far.

                                                                   For Face:
Initially, I was trying to find an all natural remedy to help brighten acne scars and exfoliate & "by George I think I finally found it (at least I hope so)"!  This leaves my skin soft and smooth.  This has been known to brighten facial scars & underarm areas, as well. This mix can be rather abrasive so adjust the ingredients to your skin's sensitivity. On clean skin,  I use it twice a week, followed by Aloe Juice as a facial toner & a dab of Coconut Oil to Moisturize. Will post future updates of the results...

                                                                         For Hair
I then used this as a prepoo to clarify. I massaged onto already dampened scalp/hair, sat under a cap for about 15minutes. Upon rinsing out, the mixture trickles down my strands to cleanse as well. I then rinsed and massaged my scalp with diluted ACV, rinsed with water then conditioned.  My scalp was sparkling clean & left my hair very soft.

I styled using my usual conditioner, coconut oil & shea butter then after a few days decided to take it down.