Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Hey guys!!!!

I'm excited to informed everyone that I will be embarking on a 30 DAY  NO HEAT CHALLENGE!!! The reason I decided to embark on this journey because of the noticeable damage to my edges and curl pattern. My edges became came rough and fried while my curl pattern was all over the place. I noticed after washing my hair I would have tight curls throughout the back and loose or even straight pieces in the front of my hair. Therefore I willing to commit to this challenge to restore my edges and curl pattern.

Wish me Luck guys !!!


  1. Good luck dear ! I wish u much success and I know you will see great results by abstaining from heat!

  2. Thank you !! It's going to be rough- but the end result will be worth it

  3. Loving this pic!! I can definitely relate to the frying effect! Applying a heat protectant can really help protect the strands, as well
