Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Protein Anyone?

So after enduring cold months of dry, brittle hair,  I did a strand test and found that my hair needed more protein.

         *Strand test: pull a hair strend with your hands to see how              much elasticity it has. If it breaks easily/resistant to spring.            back, then chances are your hair needs more protein.

Usually, I would mix up some Greek yogurt, egg, honey, coconut milk & avocado oil but I ventured out and tried an OTC product...ORS (formerly Organic Roots Stimulator) Hair Mayonnaise. I chose this because its a deep conditioner & protein treatment combined.

While it is enriched with olive oil, egg protein, herbs & wheat germ oil; it is NOT an all natural far. It contains alcohol, cones & bunch of other a bunch:( but the results were absolutely amazing!! My hair is much more manageable, shiny, super soft and my curls popped & sprang back to life.

The process was simple(the usual):
          Detangled & Sectioned hair
          Applied product
          Covered w/cap (directions say 15mins) but I did overnight
          Detangled (again...smh@my kinks)
          Styled: not so mini mini-twists

Unfortunately I ran outta time for pics. As my hair grows... bra strap length...wash times are about 5 hrs now....patience is a virtue I suppose.

Overall: loved the results...not the ingredients. Not 100% sure if will use again. I will continue to research more natural options to repeat in another month or two.

Hope this is helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I have used this before in my permed life, so not recently but I remember it being a good product!
