Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Twist Out

Hello Guys

High humidity + sunshine = hair love.

It's spring again and my hair loves loves loves the humidity. It's my hair's favorite time of year. I get to let my hair down and breathe a lil....yayyyy!!! After prepooing with my coconut, baking soda & honey mixture, I co-washed with Suave Coconut condish, applied coconut & jojoba oil, veggie glycerin, Talia Waajid Enhancing Herbal Conditioner..sealed with Raw Shea Butter twisted..air dried and untwisted (about 10-12 total). Maintain by nightly pineappling..retwisting & moisturizing every 2-3 days.

BTW: My skin & scalp are really enjoying the baking soda, coconut oil & honey mixture. These 3 simple products are great alone and are staples in my home..along with ACV (but that's another post:) 

How To:
Make a paste 2:1 of baking soda & coconut oil depending on your skin's sensitivity. Add in about a teapoon of honey. Small batches work best as to maintain life shelf, although honey is a great natural anti-bacterial agent. I am still using this mixture to cleanse my hair, toothpaste and facial exfoliant. Next post, I will detail how this mix is helping to remove my acne blemishes and even preventing new breakouts. 

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